Why choose Telford Towbars?
In the heart of Telford, you will find Telford Towbars. Born out of a passion for innovation, safety and simplicity, the biggest and best installation specialist.
Our 5 star user rating gives absolute peace of mind, that you are making the right choice. Our advanced, in house coding solutions ensure that your motor is correctly coded to manufacturers specification, activating all extra safety features as the factory intended.

The kettle is always on
With 19 years experience, we've been busy!
We are passionate about finding you the right towbar. This is a small selection of our previous work.
Browse our shop
As well as fitting towbars we also offer a wide range of accessories for your car, towbars and trailers.
Our Partners
Have a look at some of the wonderful people we have worked with.
Ordering with us
If we're fitting for you, pay just a £200 deposit today, and the remaining balance on fitting completion!
Request a callback from us
Still unsure? Request a callback and we will call you to help you find the towbar that suits your needs the best. We are always here to help.
502-503, Queensway Business Park, Hadley Park, Telford TF1 7UL
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